Category - Pet Grooming

Protect Your Pets From Parasites

Get rid of fleas and ticks

Did you know? Dogs often get parasites at some point in their life? Did you know parasites can exist on your dog’s skin or internally? Some parasites can infect and transmit diseases to humans. Do you know how you can help protect your dog? It isn’t uncommon for a dog to become infected...

10 Tips to Keep Your Pet Healthy

As a pet owner, you want to make sure that life is as long, happy, and healthy as possible for your furry pals. Here are some quick and easy ways to keep your pals healthy, active and less prone to health problems.

A Flea FREE Summer

As most pet parents know, summertime means gearing up for more than road trips and dips in the pool. Fleas and ticks are rampant during the summer months, thriving in temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees, with humidity in the 75 to 85 percent range. Now is the perfect time to review our battle...

Doga: The New Thing ALL Dogs Are Barkin’ About!

To millions of people, our dogs are not just pets; they are beloved members of our families. And when someone in our family hurts, we hurt, too. We also do whatever we can in order to make them feel better. Dogs, like humans, can suffer from many painful conditions, such as arthritis, hip...