Category - Pet Nutrition

10 Tips to Keep Your Pet Healthy

As a pet owner, you want to make sure that life is as long, happy, and healthy as possible for your furry pals. Here are some quick and easy ways to keep your pals healthy, active and less prone to health problems.

arcBARKS is proud to support and carry the arcBARKS® products. arcBARKS® Dog Treat Co. based out of Greensboro,NC creates special dog treats are made by special hands. These unique treats are handmade with love and care by special individuals who have intellectual and developmental...

Probiotics for pets: What you didn’t know

Probiotics are linked to digestive health, and just like for humans, probiotics can also be very beneficial to both cats and dogs. Supporting your pet’s gastrointestinal health is a key factor in helping to make sure your pet is living the best life possible. But traditional vets have long...

Doga: The New Thing ALL Dogs Are Barkin’ About!

To millions of people, our dogs are not just pets; they are beloved members of our families. And when someone in our family hurts, we hurt, too. We also do whatever we can in order to make them feel better. Dogs, like humans, can suffer from many painful conditions, such as arthritis, hip...

Panacur Suspension 10%

Panacur: is a suspension used for the control horses and cattles as a dewormer of large strongyles, smallstrongyles, pinworms, and also roundworms. The parasites are expelled through the animal’s feces after the suspension has killed them. Each mL of Panacur will deliver 100 mg of febendazole.