Archive - August 2021

Definitive Guide: Flea Control for Cats

Even thinking about fleas makes most people feel uncomfortably itchy, and when we see our pets incessantly scratching, we immediately look for ways to rid them of the tiny pests. Fleas will happily make their home in your cat’s fur and start to make a meal of their blood. These bites are...

Definitive Guide: Flea Control for Dogs

Fleas are the bane of every dog parent. These little blood-suckers irritate your dog and can infest your house before you even realize it. Some dogs are allergic to flea saliva and develop intense, itchy rashes, flaky skin, hot spots, scabs, and hair loss. Fleas generally prefer animal hosts but...

7 Pet Products You Didn’t Know You Needed

Pet owner holding out a pill towards her dog.

Every pet owner knows they need food, treats, litter, and other basics, but we’ve put together some of our favorite pet products that you didn’t know you needed! All seven items on the list are affordable and can help to keep your cat or dog happy, healthy, and calm. Take a look at the list...

Pet Insurance: Is it Worth the Investment?

Dog at a vet's office with a cast on his leg.

Your pets are part of your family, and planning for unexpected medical expenses is an important part of responsible pet ownership. You never know when your dog or cat will have an accident, eat something they shouldn’t, or become ill, and pet insurance is an excellent way to prepare for these...

Tips for First Time Cat Owners

August 8th is International Cat Day, so if you’ve been thinking about bringing a cat into your home, now is a perfect time! A cat (or any pet) is a long-term commitment, so make sure you’re ready and able to take care of all the cat’s needs before adopting or purchasing one.  If...