Dealing with Incontinence and Excitement & Submissive Urination in Dogs

dog eyes closed incontinence

You just got home from a long day at work. Your dog greets you at the door. It is so happy to see you that it leaves a puddle of urine right at your feet or piddles on your brand new shoes. And this is not the first time this accident has happened. In fact, it has become a common occurrence. So what’s going on?

Incontinence in dogs, especially house-trained pooches, can be the sign of a medical condition or a behavioral problem. Either way, the situation can be remedied in most cases.

If your dog’s incontinence is due to a medical condition, it might exhibit the following symptoms: dripping urine and excessive licking of the penis or vulva area. Also, you will notice urine odor and stains in the area where your dog sleeps. Take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible as these symptoms are indicative of a medical condition.

Medical conditions that can cause incontinence in dogs are urinary tract infections, urinary stones, prostrate disorders, diabetes, kidney disease, congenital abnormalities, or a reaction to certain medications.

Your veterinarian may prescribe an antibiotic such as Clavamox in the case of a urinary tract infection.

For kidney and bladder issues, you might want to try Standard Process Canine Renal Support or HomeoPet Leaks no more

If the incontinence is not health related, it could be your pooch is suffering from a behavioral issue. Two of the more common behavioral causes of incontinence in dogs are excitement urination and submissive urination.

Typically, excitement or submissive urination occurs in puppies, and they usually outgrow it.

Excitement Urination in Dogs – as the name implies happens during times of high excitement. When you come home from work, when visitors comes over, or loud noises could cause your four-legged companion to wet the floor.

6 Ways to help stop excitement urination in dogs

  1. When entering the house keep the commotion down.
  2. If possible take your dog out for a walk as soon as you come home.
  3. When visitors come over ask them to act calmly when entering your home.
  4. Teach your dog calming ways to act such as sit, stay, and down.
  5. Acknowledge calm behavior by giving them treats if they stay calm or pet them only if they are calm.
  6. Avoid physically or verbally chastising your dog for excitement urination. Instead, clean up the mess and act as if nothing happened.

Submissive Urination in Dogs – dogs use this type of urination when they are being submissive to other dogs or humans. Stern reprimands or overly exuberant greetings can cause a dog to urinate.

5 Ways to help stop submissive urination in dogs

  1. Try kneeling down instead of towering over your dog.
  2. Let the dog approach you.
  3. Instead of petting your dog on the head, try stroking it under the chin – this display of affection is very soothing to most dogs and it is less threatening.
  4. Don’t look directly into your pet’s eyes. This is usually a sign of aggression.
  5. Never punish your dog for submissive urination; it only reinforces the negative action. Instead, reward it with treats if your dog does not urinate.

While you are getting medical attention for your dog’s incontinence, or training your dog not to urinate for being overly excited or being excessively submissive, these useful products can help you deal with unwanted messes.

To help remove stains and odors caused by urine, you might want to try Urine-Away Pet Urine Eliminator, or Urine-Off for Dogs and Puppies.

Reduce urine messes with Wee Wee Pads.

In conclusion, incontinence in dogs may be caused by a medical condition such as a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, or diabetes among others. If this is the case, take your dog to a veterinarian at once. Treatment may include giving your dog antibiotics or supplements, and in some cases surgery may be required. In the event your dog is experiencing excitement urination or submissive urination, positive reinforcement techniques will help stop your dog from wetting the floor.

How have you handled incontinence issues in your dog?

Let us know in the comments section.

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