The Ultimate Guide to Arthritis in Dogs

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Surprisingly, 80% of dogs show signs of arthritis by age 8, some dogs show signs of arthritis as early as 1 year old. Do you know what to look for?

Osteoarthritis (OA), or more commonly known as arthritis, is a joint disease which impacts mobility in both humans and dogs. Arthritis in dogs can be as painful for dogs as it is for us humans. In healthy joints, a slippery tissue called cartilage cushions the ends of the bones in the joints. With OA, cartilage breaks down, which leads to pain, swelling and decreased mobility. As OA gets worse, bone spurs can form, causing more pain and joint damage.

The Signs of Arthritis in Dogs

Arthritis can be difficult to detect in its early stages, and often the symptoms do not become apparent until joints are badly damaged. Here are signs:

  • Stiffness, lameness, or limping after lying down, especially when they have been laying in the same position for a longer period.
  • Reluctance to go up stairs, run, jump or play. Do you find you are calling your dog more, whereas before, they came on their own?
  • Changes in appetite. Are they eating less?
  • Lethargy. Are they sleeping more?
  • Sudden irritability when touched or petted. Is your dog growling when others touch him or her?
  • Loss of muscle mass in the rear limbs. If they seem to struggle moving more.
  • On extreme levels, difficulty with urinating or sudden accidents in the house.

If you notice some or any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your veterinarian. If you are not sure, keep in mind the risk factors contributing to arthritis.

Risk Factors for Arthritis in Dogs

Some dogs will get arthritis, because of how they were born. Here are the risk factors you should know about.

arthritis risk in dogs
  1. Breed: Large dog breeds like Labradors, Goldens and Shepherds are more likely to develop arthritis at a young age. Small to medium-sized dogs can have arthritis as well but it may not be as prevalent.
  2. Age: Many think arthritis in older dogs is part of aging. Surprisingly 80% of dogs will show signs of arthritis by age 8, 20% of dogs show signs as early as the age of one year.
  3. Weight: It is important to know the optimal weight for your dog’s breed and keep them there. The more they weigh, the harder it is on your dog’s mobility. 
  4. Health History and Issues: Consider if your dog has joint issues such as hip dysplasia in dogs, knee problems or injuries.
  5. Mobility: Do you see your dog doing less? Do they have problems climbing stairs, or jumping up where they once jumped before?

Treatment for Arthritis in Dogs

If arthritis is diagnosed, remember it can be treated! It is good news to get an action plan in place to help your dog. Your veterinarian may recommend a plan to manage the condition and minimize pain for your dog. It will vary depending on the dog’s age and severity of the disease.

For dogs predisposed to arthritis, such as German Shepherds, Labradors and Great Danes, veterinarians suggest starting preventative treatment at an early age to protect young joints and treat them ongoing as a dog ages. Working ahead to prevent problems will lead to benefits in the end of delaying the disease.

Like treatments in humans, management plans for dogs may include trying several different therapies: joint supplements, weight management, activity modification, low-impact exercise, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), physiotherapy, massage and acupuncture, and sometimes surgery.

Many will resort to the first line of defense of a good quality joint supplement. The good news is, what works in humans, often works in dogs. Supplements with the best results often include glucosamine and chondroitin, to alleviate pain and stiffness and improve joint function. Green Lipped Mussel (GLM) is native to New Zealand and will rapidly decrease pain and preserve joint function.

Joint Supplements: What to Look for

Nutritional joint supplements are a natural way to decrease the inflammation in joints and increase joint health and cartilage development which helps keep your dog more active and youthful. They are great first line of defense because they are not medications and do not need to be prescribed. How do you find the best one for your dog? Here are some tips:

  1. Key ingredients. There has been much research on Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, which should be an important part of any joint supplement worth getting. The power of Green Lipped Mussel helps get rapid results.
  2. Dosing. Every supplement should have clear dosage directions on the bottle. This means that based on the weight of your dog, you will know how much to give them.
  3. Delivery. How do you want to give them to your dog? Tablets or pills mean you would have to cover the taste somehow, and the dog most likely will spit it out. Chews with flavoring are often the best choice because dogs will voluntarily take the supplement.
  4. Taste & Smell. Obviously, we will not be eating them, but it’s always good if your dog will! Does it smell like a type of food? If it has a chalky, medicinal smell, most likely your dog will not eat it. But if you get something that smells like their type of food, your dog may be more accepting.
  5. Veterinarian-approved. Certainly, you want to give your dog something that is vet-recommended. This is the good thing about joint supplements is they do not have to be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Glyde Mobility Chews

Glyde™ Mobility Chews is often recommended to rapidly reduce inflammation and pain, while improving function and slowing progression of further joint damage. Glyde has a proven formula with natural ingredients to promote joint health and normal cartilage development, while combating the signs of arthritis.

What makes Glyde different is the levels of the key ingredients needed to make an impact on arthritic joints:

  • Glucosamine. Glyde contains 600 mg of glucosamine which slows the breakdown of cartilage.
  • Chondroitin. Glyde contains 300 mg to rebuild cartilage and keep dogs MOVING!
  • Green Lipped Mussel. Glyde contains 760mg of GLM from New Zealand PER CHEW! This provides RAPID pain relief and reduces joint inflammation. GLM is the only natural source of ETA, a potent Omega-3 fatty acid, to help relieve joint stiffness while maintaining youthful mobility.

Healthy joints start here! Glyde Mobility Chews is proud to be offered through the trusted pet pharmacy of Allivet. Glyde has powerful ingredients to help your dog be more active for a lifetime. Try Glyde Mobility Chews now!


Parnell’s Glyde Mobility Chews are a joint supplement with strong scientific backing, containing the unique combination of green-lipped mussel (GLM), glucosamine, and chondroitin to promote healthy joints. With Glyde, protecting your dog’s joints throughout their life is as easy as giving them a daily chew your dog will think is a treat!

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